Sources of Contamination like:
- waste water
- waste (plastic waste …)
- agricultural impacts (fertilizer, erosion…)
- farming/animals
- industry
- geogenic impacts
- surface run off
- atmosphere (NOx, SO2, fin dust, micro particles )
- mining
- ship industry
Kind of Water Bodies
- Oceans
- Seas
- Lakes
- Rivers
- Groundwater
Water Contamination caused by:
- Consumer
- Agriculture
- Industry
- Marine
1) Contamination caused by the Consumer
Human activities generate
a. Waste
b. Wastewater
Other kind of environmental pollutions
a. Waste
Throwaway culture has spread packaging waste worldwide
Packaging – much of it single-use food wrapping – has created a rubbish problem that now pollutes every corner of the world. Manufacturers got us into this mess, but it’s up to us to dig ourselves out.
Activist Boyan Slat – collection of plastic from the ocean
Ocean clean-up technology
Plastic waste blocks rivers
- no drainage
- causing floods
Plastic breaks down into tiny particles
- called micro-plastics
- found on shorelines around the world
- found in fish
- particle size <5mm
- mainly PS, PE, PET, PE
b. Wastewater
Wastewater Pollutants and its Effects
- Suspended solids:
- Sludge deposits
- Pollutant adsorption
- Protection of pathogens
- Nutrients:
- Excessive algae growth
- Toxicity to fish, (ammonia)
- Illness in new-born infants (nitrate)
- Pollution of groundwater
- Pathogens:
- Water-borne diseases
- Non-biodegradable organic matter (pesticides, detergents, drugs,…):
- Toxicity
- Foam
- Reduction of oxygen transfer (detergents)
- Accumulation
- Bad odour (i.e. phenols)
- Hormonal effects
- Metals:
- Toxicity
- Inhibition of biological treatment
- Accumulation in sludge – problems if agricultural use
- Contamination of groundwater
- Total (inorganic) Dissolved Solids (TDS):
- Excessive salinity – harm to plantations (irrigation)
- Toxicity to plants (some ions)
- Problems with soil permeability (sodium)
Sources: WWAP (United Nations World Water Assessment Programme). 2017. The United Nations World Water Development Report 2017. Wastewater: The Untapped Resource. Paris, UNESCO, page 49
2. Contaminations caused by Agriculture
Crop production
Water contamination:
- If more fertilizers are applied than crops can absorb
- If the fertilizers are washed off the soil surface before they can be absorbed into plants
- Excess nitrogen and phosphates can leach into groundwater, or as surface runoff into waterways
- Nitrates and ammonia are very soluble, organic phosphates are not
Water contamination:
- Livestock production close to water banks
- animal waste can be easily released into the watercourse
- Solid waste can be collected for fertilizer
- often it isn‘t stored in contained areas
- Food and Medicaments
- Release of emerging pollutants
3. Contaminations caused by Industry
Examples of Industries:
- Pulp and Paper
- Iron and Steel
- Mines and Qaurries
- Food and Drinks
- Dairy
- Organic Chemicals
- Textile
- Energy
Wastewater contaminants very different from municipal wastewater
- Large volume
- Partially highly contaminated streams depending on industry sector
all industries need water!!
The life-cycle of a T-Shirt
4. Contaminations caused by Marine (Source: Pro Sea 2019,
Shipping and the environment
- Shipping is one of the least environmentally damaging forms of commercial transport.
- Shipping is by far the most energy efficient mode of transport, in comparison to transport by road or by air.
- Disasters with oil tankers come directly to environment.
- Most harm is done by daily operational emissions of various substances, not by accidents. Intentional and unintentional discharges of oil, anti-fouling paints, ballast water and so on….
->The International Maritime Organization concludes that, without shipping, half the world would starve and the other half would freeze (grain and oil shipping).
90.00 cargo ships worldwide
- Marine litter (solid waste)
- Underwater noise
- Air emissions
- Sewage
- Food waste
- Oil spillage
- Chemicals
- Antifouling agents
- Invasive species (ballast water& biofouling)
- Residual charge (e.g. cleaning after transport)
- Loading/uploading (loss through wind)
Chemicals/microplastics in the ocean lead to bioaccumulation in the food pyramid.
- Cargo ships need ballastwater for stability
- Exchange of ballastwater necessary while loading/unloading
Ballastwater - Impacts of invasive species
Direct impacts
- Preying on native species
- Competing with native species for food
- Competing with native species for space
- Altering habitats
Indirect impacts
- Changing food webs
- Decreasing biodiversity
All information about Marine see