Do you want to acquire new skills? Meet new people?
Put your talents and passion to good use?
Then you might want to think about becoming a volunteer at kanthari.
You will have a chance to meet and interact with highly interesting and charismatic people who have overcome adversity and have the guts to create a mindset change in their surrounding.
Volunteering can be done in different ways:
- Help by talking about kanthari: Spread the news about the existence of kanthari. You can attract new participants, catalysts, volunteers, or potential donors
- Volunteering from home: For example, you could help with design, newsletters, translations, blog-posts, write ups etc.
- join us in Trivandrum: We welcome motivated, dedicated, and technically gifted volunteers who can help out in maintenance, eco-friendly gardening, kitchen, IT, and many other interesting activities. You will meet future kantharis from all over the world who have amazing stories and experiences to share. To make a stay worthwhile we prefer a minimum period of three months. We offer board and lodging: The demand for volunteer positions is high. Therefore we have to be selective. Every volunteer will have to go through an application process. We prefer to have volunteers who are available for the duration of at least one or multiple acts. (Three months+)
- Volunteer for kanthari graduates: Join one of the projects started by graduates from around world and support them with their work in small and newly established organizations. This might include technical assistance, teaching, administrative tasks, etc.
Volunteering at the kanthari
Basic requirements to be a volunteer
- Above 22 years of age
- Good verbal and written English skills
- Positive attitude
- High level of motivation
- High level of ownership, taking initiatives and self management
Interested? Then fill the form and provide detailed answers to the questions.