sabriye tenberken (German)
Knowing what it is to be marginalized, I developed an intrinsic interest to create ethical social change. I studied Tibetology / Central Asian Sciences at Bonn University and to be able to take notes in Tibetan, i developed the Tibetan Braille Script. Traveling on horseback through the Himalayas in 1997, I discovered that Tibetans who in majority are Buddhists have a stigma against people with disabilities. Especially blindness is seen as a punishment for something you have done in your previous life. Accordingly blind children are often neglected, locked away in dark rooms or sent to the streets to beg for money. Experiencing this situation inspired me to take action.
In 1998, together with paul kronenberg, i started the first school for the blind in Tibet. This school formed the foundation of Braille Without Borders, an organization that empowers blind people to take their lives in their own hands.
In 2005, we also founded ‘kanthari’ in Kerala, South of India, a leadership institute for social change makers. kanthari fosters individuals from all over the world, who have overcome adversity and because of that carry a plan to create social change. In the daily activities, i mainly focus on developing and leading the academic program.
Next to being a public speaker, I am the author of “My path leads to Tibet”, a book that has been translated into 16 languages. I and paul also had the honor to take a part in the award winning documentaries ‘BLINDSIGHT’ and ‘KANTHARI – change from within”.
I became fully blind at age 12.
paul kronenberg (Dutch)
– A leader is someone who uses his/her talents to lead the way in creating a better and more ethical tomorrow, EVERY DAY! –
I am a “Social-Changineer”. With a technical background graduating in mechanical engineering, computer science, commercial technology and data-communication system science, I focus on the running and operational management of kanthari.
I am passionate about eco-friendly and cost effective “open hardware” technology and architecture. I am always on the lookout for answers that will help to build a better tomorrow; be it physical in terms of technical solutions, or be it mental, strengthening myself and the self of others.
Together with Sabriye Tenberken, i have started kanthari. We offer a unique “Journey in five acts” Curriculum; an intense experiential and hand’s on learning experience we provide social change makers with all necessary tools to start, run and sustain own NGO’s.
In public talks, i like to address questions like “why?” and “why not?”, and i favor the use of wit and humor to mirror the true shape of the world that makes one think and reflect about what can/must be done differently to become part of solutions.
My motto is simple: Life is what you are happy getting up for. And if you are not happy, then there is only one person that can do something about it, and that is… you.
In my life, i learnt that whenever ‘i have to’ becomes ‘i want to’, that is where the magic begins!
You are responsible for what you chose to do, but you are also responsible for what you chose NOT to do…
And that, in my opinion is where there is a huge opportunity to develop solutions to address many of the social issues we face today.
The work of Braille Without Borders, kanthari has been recognized by different organisations;
2023 – Martin Buber Plaque – Euriade
2021 – Bharat Sevak award by Bharat Sevak Samaj, India
2018 – Maja Koene Peace Award
2016 – Gandhi Darsan International Award
2012 – Bornheimer Award by the Europe School in Bornheim, Germany
2011 – INCITE Excellence in Social Entrepreneurship Award
2008 – Gov. of China: One of 15 most influential overseas experts over the past 30 years in China.
2007 – Mother Theresa award
2005 – National Fundraising Award 2005
2005 – World Economic Forum, Davos (WEF). “Young Global Leader”
2005 – nominated for the Nobel Peace Price.
2005 – Bundesverdienst Kreuz
2004 – Time magazine Asia’s HERO 2004 and European HERO 2004 award.
2003 – Queen of Holland knighted sabriye and paul in the “Knighthood in the order of Oranje Nassau”
2002 – Albert Schweizer Award.
Sabriye has been recognized multiple times for developing the Tibetan Braille Script